Braces for Adults and Kids in Porter Ranch

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. How Braces Work
  3. Getting Started with Treatment
  4. Detailed Evaluation and Customized Planning
  5. Continuing the Examination
  6. Adults and Orthodontics
  7. Comprehensive Care
  8. Our Commitment to Dental Health
  9. Start Your Orthodontic Journey Today

Braces for Adults and Kids in Porter Ranch


Hey, Porter Ranch families! Are you seeking information on braces for both adults and kids in Porter Ranch? Orthodontic treatment is not just about straightening teeth—it’s a comprehensive medical and dental approach to achieving healthy gums and a beautiful smile. Discover the extensive benefits of orthodontic treatment that go beyond aesthetics.

How Braces Work

Braces, a type of dental appliance glued onto your teeth, utilize light, flexible wires based on the biological principles of tooth movement. This method gradually shifts, aligns, and levels your bite, providing substantial improvements over time.

Getting Started with Treatment

Beginning your orthodontic treatment is straightforward. It starts with scheduling a consultation for a comprehensive evaluation of your facial structure, smile, and teeth. We leverage advanced technologies, including digital X-rays, professional photography, and 3D videos, to ensure the process is as convenient and comfortable as possible.

Detailed Evaluation and Customized Planning

After the initial consultation, we conduct a thorough analysis, which extends beyond just the teeth. Our evaluations of your soft tissue and facial profile help us create a smile that complements your overall appearance. We also examine the skeletal structures of your face, considering how shifts in tooth position can enhance the aesthetics of your lips and smile.

Continuing the Examination

Our examination delves into the gums, upper airway, and oral cavity, looking for any signs of imbalances such as flared teeth or a larger tongue. This holistic approach helps us achieve remarkable results by considering all aspects of your oral health.

Adults and Orthodontics

Many adults visit us with concerns about crooked teeth, missing teeth, or sleep apnea. Misaligned teeth can harbour bacteria, leading to tartar buildup and eventually periodontal disease. We emphasize that proper dental care and well-aligned teeth are crucial for preventing these issues.

Comprehensive Care

Recessions of the teeth are common as we age, leading to “long in the tooth,” a term signifying visible tooth roots due to gum recession. Addressing these issues early with orthodontic care can prevent severe outcomes like tooth loss and edentulism, significantly impacting life quality.

Our Commitment to Dental Health

Inspired by personal family experiences with inadequate dental care, our mission is to ensure no one must endure the hardships of poor oral health. Recent studies linking tooth loss and periodontal disease to severe health issues reinforce the importance of maintaining dental health throughout life.

Start Your Orthodontic Journey Today

If you’re an adult interested in exploring orthodontic options, we invite you to contact our office for a free consultation. We’re ready to tailor a treatment plan to your needs, helping you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Contact us at 818-831-7600 or visit our website at

To good health, Dr. Dadjoo

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