From Free Consultation to Final Retainer: Breaking Down Invisalign Costs

At our office, we believe in transparency and providing our patients with the best possible care. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you can expect when it comes to the cost of your Invisalign treatment.
Invisalign Cost

Free Initial Consultation

Your journey to a perfect smile begins with a complimentary consultation. During this visit, we will:

  • Take x-rays, photographs, and 3D videos.
  • Assess the condition of your jaw joint and teeth.
  • Screen for oral cancers.

This comprehensive evaluation helps us understand your unique needs and plan your treatment accordingly.

Comprehensive Analysis

After your consultation, Dr. Dadjoo will perform an in-depth analysis. This involves assessing over 150 different variables, including:

  • Soft tissue appearance and lip balance.
  • Condition and position of the jaws, joints, and gums.
  • Position and condition of the teeth.
  • Assessment of facial muscles, tongue, and muscles of mastication.
  • Sizes, shapes, and color of the teeth.

Dr. Dadjoo’s extensive experience ensures a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you or your child. This meticulous process sets us apart, offering a higher level of care recognized by the American Board of Orthodontics.

Inclusive Treatment Costs

When you choose Invisalign treatment with us, the following are included in your fee:

  • All additional aligners, including refinement aligners to perfect your smile.
  • Follow-up x-rays and one set of retainers.
  • Elastics and all visits, including emergency visits.

Dr. Dadjoo will design a custom Invisalign appliance with a unique sequence of movements and attachment designs to achieve your smile goals.

Follow-Up Visits

Follow-up visits are quick and convenient, ensuring your teeth are following the specific treatment plan. These appointments may include:

  • Adding auxiliaries like rubber bands (elastics), buttons, and the Motion Carrier Appliance.
  • Adjusting trays and using “metal” floss to create spaces for crowded teeth.


After achieving your specific goals, you will receive a set of retainers to maintain your new smile. We offer a variety of retainers, including:

  • Clear Vivera retainers
  • Essix retainers
  • Hawley retainers
  • Bonded retainers
  • Functional appliances like a Bionator

Dr. Dadjoo will recommend the best option based on your needs.

Making It Affordable

We understand that cost is a significant consideration. Please visit our Making It Affordable page for more details on making your Invisalign treatment affordable. Our team is here to help you every step of the way, ensuring your journey to a healthier, more confident smile is as smooth as possible.

Learn how to use your HSA or FSA for orthodontic treatment

Ready to begin your orthodontic journey? Contact us today for a consultation, and we’re here to help you make your braces or Invisalign fun and affordable!

Visit us at Porter Ranch Orthodontists for personalized orthodontic care. We listen to our clients and provide the best possible treatment to give you the smile you deserve. Book your appointment today!

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